Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Coast to Coast, Philip!

It has been confirmed. After driving 3 days from Indy to my new home, I will fly to Atlanta, GA where I will train for 33 nights. I will be living in the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center until September 23. The place looks very nice, and I hope the month will be a bonding experience for us new Dispute Analysis & Investigation (DA&I) kids. (FTS is part of DA&I). I'm very excited, and it will be even better once I start receiving those paychecks.

I will fly back to SF over labor day weekend, so it looks like I'm already starting to rack up some frequent flyer miles!

On a different note, my good friend Philip has been in town for the past couple weeks from Augsburg, Germany. As was expected, we've been having a grand old time. We went to Bloomington on Friday night. That's Byron, Robert, Drew, Me, Charles, and Phil at my old house. Some of the cups are upside down because team WWW dominated at Flip Cup. :)

10 days till Coldplay!


Ja said...

good luck buddy as you head out to SF!!! I've got a lot of buddies out there so I can just add you to the list of people I'll have to come visit next time I'm close by. So get this--now I'm working in a d v i s o r y on some PSoft app. sec. and SoD stuff. It's pretty cool, but I feel more at home with the s p a stuff.

I'm headed to Indiana today!!!!!!!

lates bro.

Oh--I added a link to your blog from my homepage (posted in a comment earlier elsewhere on your biggity-biggity-blog.

Ja said...


Hey man--Thanks for taking me and Karen out for a bite to eat tonight. It was a BLAST seeing you and asnwering some questions. You're MORE than welcome to visit our home ANYtime you are in Texas. We'll try to plan an adventure out to San Fran. Get to know a LOT of cool peeps out there and get a feel for the hip places to visit and we'll go clubbin' or something next time we're over that way. Lates buddy,


Jason's Blog