Monday, August 15, 2005

On The Road Again

In 5 hours, my dad and I will start the 2,600 mile drive to San Francisco, CA. I've just said my goodbyes to some close friends. While my friend, Byron, approaches goodbyes with the saying, "I don't put much into goodbyes because I know I'll see the people I care about again," it's still not easy to think about leaving the place I grew up, and more importantly, leaving my friends and family. I haven't really lived at home in Indy for the past 3 years, but I've always had the comfort of knowing I'll return. Not this time. It makes me wonder what Drew felt when he left for Phoenix, AZ over two months ago.

Enough of that...The car is pretty much packed, and we'll be on the road until Thursday afternoon. Call me and we can chat! The next entry will be in San Francisco or Atlanta!

I'll always be a Hoosier.

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