Monday, August 22, 2011

Slumber Parties

As much as Eric and I sometimes wish we still lived in the city (to a point where we even considered renting a room in SF so we could crash there anytime we wanted instead of driving/training back home to San Mateo), we definitely appreciate having a HOUSE.

This past weekend, we really took advantage of our space when we had out-of-town friends visiting, and we had a big slumber party with four couples and a baby :). It was definitely a chill weekend -- lots of catching up and hanging out in our sunny backyard, drinking beer/wine and playing cornhole. You can't get too crazy with a 16-month-old in tow, but we all enjoyed the relaxing weekend.

Part of our slumber party crew:

The cutest houseguest we've had so far:
haha that yogurt pic cracks me up.

Back to blogging about the kitchen and more on granite and backsplash next! Exciting, I know ;)

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