Friday, August 19, 2005

After 2,301 miles, I'm Golden!

After three and a half days of driving, my dad and I have reached our destination. San Francisco! On the way, we did some site-seeing at Medicine Bow NF, ate some fattie dinners in Kearney, Nebraska and Salt Lake City, Utah. We also, gambled and gorged ourselves at all-you-can-eat meals in Reno, Nevada.

Unpacking was as exciting as it sounds, and I'm still far from settled in. Here was the view from my room today. I still can't believe it.

Today we shopped at Target then had dinner with cousins Eirene and Eugene, Eirene's husband Stephen, and Eirene and Stephen's boy, Alexander, at a tasty Afghan restaurant in San Carlos. Check out the studly kid (10 months).

Painting tomorrow. By the way, Coldplay was the best concert I've ever experienced. Wow! Next entry from ATL.

1 comment:

eileen said...

hey eric! its great to hear how you are so jealous that you were able to see coldplay..they do put on the best shows ever!!!!!!

im so glad that you are working for PWC..its such a great company...i think you are going to do great there! the people in all the offices are so great and seem like they hang out a lot togehter (from my experiences with teh chicago office)...

ecuador is good..and i have taught for a full week now! its crazy to be a "real" sure you are kinda experiencing the same thing...with the real world type deal!

good to hear from you! my blog is :)

ps. im sure my mom would love to hear how you are doing :) ehehehe