Tuesday, July 26, 2005


While this blog is pretty much available to anyone and everyone, I think I'll write as though you are the only one reading it--hence the URL: Wu, Party of Two.

I am San Francisco-bound. I would love if you could come visit. I'll show you around and you can stay at my place. That is, of course, if we've met before.

The camera will be in full force when I have time to tour the west coast. Speaking of tours, congratulations to Lance "I'm not human" Armstrong. He's inspired me to get back into top form.

A caveat: Unlike my sister, I am not a copy editor for one of the most prestigious newspapers in the world. Therefore, I apologize in advance for any mispellings or grammar errors. ;)

But, I digress. In your freetime, I recommend Wedding Crashers and The Island. I saw both yesterday and enjoyed them immensely (beautiful ladies are featured in both). Don't see War of the Worlds. It's a dollar fifty viewing at best.

Coldplay in 17 days! BOOYA!


Angie said...

Rico! Welcome to the blogosphere. Am very excited ... putting link on my blog!

Yiwen said...

Rico! Thank you so much for coming to visit me and Felix in Chicago, and am overjoyed I can continue to receive the deep thoughts of my guru in Work-life balance, as he takes it to the next level in the corporate world!

We just came back from southern Germany, where Jochen completed his 20th anniversary triathlon in Immenstadt (2km swimming/90km cycling/21km running)- my husband is a jock (I'm a slug)! I missed most of TDF this year but caught the award ceremony on Sunday - Armstrong is incredible, both as athlete and team leader. We will be watching next year how Ulrich and T-Mobile will regroup themselves Post Lance...what will Jan's excuse be in 2007??

Anonymous said...

Nice, I like the name. Careful though, these blog things can get addicting...

Anonymous said...

hey there buddy!!!! i ll put a link onto my blog for you too!!!! pizzace to my hizzace! you have a sister?!!??! sweet! too bad i dont hae any younger brothers to hook my fellow asian cousin up with... check out my blog yo:


steve may have been wrong--it cant be THAT adicting if you've only posted ONE THING!!!!!!!!!! ; ) its all good--you've got time.

later whooptie wuuu WUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!
