Saturday, June 04, 2011

This Blog's A Changin'

For all you dedicated Wu Party of Two readers, I've created a new blog for my personal posts about anything and everything.  It's called Woo Me, Wu ( and it will serve the same purpose that this blog has.  

This blog, however, will change.  Since I got hitched last September, it seemed appropriate that I share the ownership of Wu Party of Two with my wife.   She's been wanting to blog on various topics, but particularly about lessons learned from buying the new house and all our associated projects, which currently is the kitchen.

For example, here's a tip we learned after going through the kitchen remodel process:  When buying appliances (dishwasher, refrigerator, range, washer, dryer, etc), there are often $20-$40 items that you need to purchase in addition to the actual appliance to get it to hook up properly, which are not included in the sales price.  Dishwashers have additional water connectors, gas ranges have gas tubing, dryer needs exhaust tubing, etc.  Also the extended warranties can be pricey, so you'll want to factor all those things into your budget.

I'll post here occasionally for things related to the both of us, but my random ranting and babblings will be over at Woo Me, Wu.

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