Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Indy For Sure, Germany Too

I went home a couple weekends ago to move from 220 Randall Street to 2242 Fillmore Street. Pacific Heights here I am! Come visit me at my new place!

Vegas was lots of fun. Much money was spent but it was still fun hanging out with my college buddies. Thanks for an awesome time, gentlemen (and random women). Here's a random question: What is your beer of choice?

Recent Locations:

4/5-9 - Washington, D.C. (Angie, Swan, Kelli, & Mersine)
4/20-23 - Las Vegas, NV (Tim, Kevin, Adam P, Adam V, Steve)
Weekdays - Los Angeles, CA (work)
San Francisco, CA (NEW HOME!)

Future Destinations:

5/5-7 - Indianapolis, IN (Family and IU, Ball State Graduation)
6/2-4 - Indianapolis, IN (Family and friends, Ashley Z's wedding, maybe see Drew)
6/15-25 - Augsburg, Germany (World Cup Game?)


Steve Cochrane said...

First comment, I win!

Up until lately I would've said Heineken but Super Bock is pretty sweet as you are now aware. May be a new favorite. Also have you had Smithwick's? Tried it on tap at an Irish bar in Minneapolis when visiting Adam and Jessie and it was quite tasty.

Maturity is overrated.

Anonymous said...

Love a Weizenbier any day. I actually like Altbier from Duesseldorf but they'd brand me as a traitor here in Koeln if they knew. Gotta give you a guilt trip for not coming to see us since you're in the neighborhood... Actually Jochen is going to a world cup game on the 14th, then we leave the next day to Bavaria near the Czech borders for some hiking...You're more than welcome to stop by and see the Pig if you have time the following week...or we're in Chi-town end July. Love this blog! Yiwen