Sunday, September 25, 2005

No more DARTS

It was bittersweet finishing DARTS training this past Friday. Yes, we were all excited to leave the Georgia Tech Hotel but we were also sad to all go our separate ways. We spent five weeks together and have become a big family. Andrew, Paul, and David are going back to London, so who know when we'll see them again. Many good memories... There we are, DARTS 2005 minus Meng. WE LOVE MENG!
My roommate Eugene from Philly and Nausher from LA. This is the view from my bedroom the night I returned from ATL.
I don't know what the fireworks were for, but it was cool and LOUD! A nice welcome home present in my honor, I suppose. :)

So for now, I'm back in San Francisco. Tomorrow is my first day at the office. We'll see what happens. Take care.

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