Sunday, August 28, 2005

Cliche, I know, but it really is Hotlanta

Week one is in the books with the Firm. I'm at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center for 4 more weeks (see pic). It sounds long but it's not bad. I'm having a great time. PwC sure does know how to treat its employees. Full course buffets and fun nights at the bars.

I've made some friends and continue to meet new people each day. Too bad we're all in different offices. I knew this coming in, but I'll say it again: the coolest thing about PwC is the people.

We trainees are from all over the country--SF, LA, NY, DC, Chitown, Beantown, Philly, Dallas, and we have some Brits from London. I've become friends with the British guys, and we went to a nearby park and played some barefoot soccer. I'm trying to teach ultimate frisbee now. It's so hot and humid down here, my California buddies can't take it. It's bad, but I'm used to it from growing up in Hoosierland.

I've been exhausted almost everyday, but I've managed to get up and do it all over again the next day. Sorry I haven't been able to keep in touch with you this week; I've been so busy bouncing from training to meals to just hanging out with new friends. This week FTS is starting Data Analysis and Reporting Tools School (DARTS). I'll let you know how that goes.

Friday, August 19, 2005

After 2,301 miles, I'm Golden!

After three and a half days of driving, my dad and I have reached our destination. San Francisco! On the way, we did some site-seeing at Medicine Bow NF, ate some fattie dinners in Kearney, Nebraska and Salt Lake City, Utah. We also, gambled and gorged ourselves at all-you-can-eat meals in Reno, Nevada.

Unpacking was as exciting as it sounds, and I'm still far from settled in. Here was the view from my room today. I still can't believe it.

Today we shopped at Target then had dinner with cousins Eirene and Eugene, Eirene's husband Stephen, and Eirene and Stephen's boy, Alexander, at a tasty Afghan restaurant in San Carlos. Check out the studly kid (10 months).

Painting tomorrow. By the way, Coldplay was the best concert I've ever experienced. Wow! Next entry from ATL.

Monday, August 15, 2005

On The Road Again

In 5 hours, my dad and I will start the 2,600 mile drive to San Francisco, CA. I've just said my goodbyes to some close friends. While my friend, Byron, approaches goodbyes with the saying, "I don't put much into goodbyes because I know I'll see the people I care about again," it's still not easy to think about leaving the place I grew up, and more importantly, leaving my friends and family. I haven't really lived at home in Indy for the past 3 years, but I've always had the comfort of knowing I'll return. Not this time. It makes me wonder what Drew felt when he left for Phoenix, AZ over two months ago.

Enough of that...The car is pretty much packed, and we'll be on the road until Thursday afternoon. Call me and we can chat! The next entry will be in San Francisco or Atlanta!

I'll always be a Hoosier.

Friday, August 05, 2005

A Mischievous Duo

Last night I was able to meet with an old friend from last year's internship. Jason and his lovely wife, Karen, were traveling north through Indianapolis so I took them out to their first Steak 'n' Shake experience to catch up. Jason always manages to crack me up! Fun people like him are the reason I can't wait to work for PwC. Check us out on the Quality Inn Suites king-sized bed. Kinda sketchy, I know. ;)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Coast to Coast, Philip!

It has been confirmed. After driving 3 days from Indy to my new home, I will fly to Atlanta, GA where I will train for 33 nights. I will be living in the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center until September 23. The place looks very nice, and I hope the month will be a bonding experience for us new Dispute Analysis & Investigation (DA&I) kids. (FTS is part of DA&I). I'm very excited, and it will be even better once I start receiving those paychecks.

I will fly back to SF over labor day weekend, so it looks like I'm already starting to rack up some frequent flyer miles!

On a different note, my good friend Philip has been in town for the past couple weeks from Augsburg, Germany. As was expected, we've been having a grand old time. We went to Bloomington on Friday night. That's Byron, Robert, Drew, Me, Charles, and Phil at my old house. Some of the cups are upside down because team WWW dominated at Flip Cup. :)

10 days till Coldplay!