Monday, September 24, 2007

Ice Glasses and Good Times

Thuan: Are these made of ICE???
Popped collar. You know what that means...
Sloppily dancing with my new friend Janette from Amsterdam/South Africa
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London Day and Night

Picadilly Circus just a few blocks from my hotel

Ice Bar: A map of the Underground in Ice
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Friday, September 21, 2007

Good Morning, London

I love it when I get into the office at 10:10 AM after a night of heavy drinking and I'm the first one in the office. Gotta love PwC. :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I almost got hit by a car when coming back from lunch today because I instinctively looked LEFT before crossing the street. My British coworker said, "Stop!" right before it whizzed by. Damn! I HATE crossing the streets here!

Otherwise, things are great. :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mind The Gap

I arrived in London yesterday morning. All I can say is, what an amazing city! Way cooler than Prague!

As we were landing into Heathrow Airport, I had a great view of the city as the sun was rising. I could see the London Eye, Westminster Abbey, Parliament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, and Millennium Bridge crossing the Thames.

I don't know if it is the jet lag or what, but I am having trouble understanding people here. From the passport control woman to the taxi driver, to the concierge and the guy at the front desk. I kept saying, "Sorry, what?" For the most part I'd understand it the second time around. If not, I'd just smile and nod politely. I'm sure they're thinking, "Stupid American."

It's only my second time in London, so pardon my dorky tourist spirit cause I'm sure these are newbie things to notice, but I like them:

- I take the "Tube" to the office everyday day from Green Park to Holborn Station on the Picadilly Line using my Oyster card, making sure to "Mind the Gap" and find my "Way Out".

- In the Taxi yesterday, the cabbie said, "It might take longer than usual, traffic's bloody murder right now." It took me a second to absorb what he actually said. I thought, "bloody murder? That's AWESOME!" In the States we'd probably say something like, "traffic freaking sucks." How crass. Ha!

- My first time to the office, I took a taxi. Here's a play-by-play of the ride: Left the hotel and drove by Hyde Park and then passed Buckingham Palace during the changing of the guards, went by Westminster Abbey, Parliament, and Big Ben to cruise along the Thames with a view of the London Eye, all the different museums along the water, then ducked back in to the city to eventually arrive at the PwC building at Plumtree Court. (The fact that I was excited to see all of those things after 1 hour of sleep on a 9+ hour flight must say SOMETHING!)

- The cars driving on the left side of the road is still totally weird. I'm scared everytime I cross the street, even when the words "Look Right" and "Look Left" are printed on the sidewalk.

- I stare at all the posters in the Underground that advertise all the different plays and musicals currently playing. Phantom and Les Mis are STILL running. Wicked is a "New Musical" supposedly although it's been out for a while in the States, and Lion King, Mama Mia, Avenue Q, and The Lord Of The Rings are others playing. I want to go!

- Multiply the price of everything by 2. Holy S*#@!

Damn it's good to be on expense in London. :) I just gotta get over this jet lag.