Sunday, December 18, 2005

Is it really Christmas Already?

My first Christmas in has totally snuck up on me! As you can imagine, I'm not yet accustomed to the warm weather in the months of November AND December. It's 60 degrees today! Yes, for you Californians, that's really nice weather to me for ten days till Xmas. The trees all still have leaves and things are still green. I went out today in jeans and a t-shirt with the windows rolled down! The only difference is that the malls are jam packed and there are holiday decorations all over the place.

Thanksgiving was awesome. Spent lots of time with friends and family.
That's Stumpf, Ashley, Me, Blaire, Byron, Drew, Charles, and Robert. Check my sister's blog for more fun photos.

My Birthday was a couple weeks later and Ali, Kim, Sally, Ray, (work friends) and I went to a tapas restaurant in Venice, CA to celebrate. I also went with Kim to her friend's wedding on a beach in Malibu. It's crazy that you can actually have beautiful weather at the beach in December.

Went bowling at Lucky Strike in Hollywood to celebrate my actual birthday. As Munko said many times that night, "That place was AWESOME!" It was the coolest/nicest bowling alley I've ever been to. Thanks to Bryan, Munko, and Karen for showing me a good time and to all those who called to wish me happiness on the 6th. :)

Munko, Karen, and Me at the LA FTS Holiday Dinner

Went to the Not So Silent Night concert on the 9th featuring Hot Hot Heat, Death Cab for Cutie, and White Stripes. Hot Hot Heat rocked, but I was very disappointed with Death Cab. They just don't sound good live even though I love their latest albums. The White Stripes were good but their set was too short. I think there was some drama behind the scenes between the two band members cause there was a 5 minute break in the middle of the set where no one was on stage. Weird.

Last week we had the San Fran FTS Holiday Dinner at Tallulah with a white elephant gift exchange (Yes, I went to the holiday dinners for both LA and SF). I got a sweet light saber with motion-activated sound effects. There was also a Darth Vader Voice Changer mask that was exchanged quite a few times before Jane, my manager, ended up with it. Freaking HALARIOUS!

Last night was the PwC Holiday Party at the Asian Art Museum. Good times with Eva, Jenna, Johnny, and Rohit, even with the sketchiest limo ride ever. It was fun getting all dressed up...we look gooooood!

Now, I'm back in San Francisco for two weeks. No, I'm not going home for xmas. My parents are flying out on the 24th to visit for a week and Swan, Coop, and Sim are flying on the 28th for a Maastricht crew reunion. I'm psyched! Ok, I think that about catches you up.

Colts, let's focus on the playoffs. Pacers, can't worry about this Artest business anymore. It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time! Where ye at? Where ye at?