Sunday, November 20, 2005

Back Below Freezing

Two weekends ago we had the San Francisco DA&I Holiday Party. This was one of the last pictures taken with my camera cause it got dropped. BOO! Oh well. That's my manager Chris in the middle and my friend Lijay on the right. We still had a lot of fun.

I'm in total anticipation of this week. I'm flying to Indy to have a Thanksgiving reunion with my family and friends. We're gonna do it up! I heard there's been snow and it's gets below freezing at night already...wouldn't be Thanksgiving without the cold weather.

In more news, I'm still working in LA. Will be there through all of December except for the holidays. I'm also going to a Death Cab for Cutie and White Stripes concert on Dec. 9. Woohoo! They're not new songs, but check out A Lack of Color by Death Cab and Outsiders by Franz Ferdinand.